State Of Il Employee Salaries


State Of Il Employee Salaries - Search for teacher salaries, pension funds, universities, and more in the database. Find the average and median salaries of state employees in illinois by employer, year, city, and department. Search for specific names or schools using the form below. A list of illinois state employees salaries by year, agency and employee. Average government illinois state employee salary is $64,205 and median salary is $60,869. Look up illinois salary database by name or employer, using form below. For example, search for. The average employee salary for the state of illinois in 2023 was $79,435. This is 10. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 14. 5 percent higher than. Gregory Levett Funeral Home Decatur Ga Obituariespodcast Personal

Search for teacher salaries, pension funds, universities, and more in the database. Find the average and median salaries of state employees in illinois by employer, year, city, and department. Search for specific names or schools using the form below. A list of illinois state employees salaries by year, agency and employee. Average government illinois state employee salary is $64,205 and median salary is $60,869. Look up illinois salary database by name or employer, using form below. For example, search for. The average employee salary for the state of illinois in 2023 was $79,435. This is 10. 7 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 14. 5 percent higher than.

State Of Il Employee Salaries