Penn Intranet


Penn Intranet - Learn how to access penn medicine applications, email, and shared drives from your personal device or penn medicine device. Find the correct version of citrix workspace for your computer to access penn medicine network and resources. Choose from windows 10/11, windows 7, or mac os/osx versions. Pennopen pass is available only for uphs employees. Pennkey and pennpath logins are no longer in use. Find out how to enroll in duo multifactor. You are able to use workday@penn to perform tasks such as manage your personal information, view your compensation, enter up to three pay elections (direct deposit), enter and correct. If your account is found, a duo approval request will be sent to your primary authentication device. Please approve the request to continue.

Learn how to access penn medicine applications, email, and shared drives from your personal device or penn medicine device. Find the correct version of citrix workspace for your computer to access penn medicine network and resources. Choose from windows 10/11, windows 7, or mac os/osx versions. Pennopen pass is available only for uphs employees. Pennkey and pennpath logins are no longer in use.

Penn Intranet